Wednesday 21 April 2010

For once, I'm not lying 'boutchu

^This is called a self-taken photoshoot, not conceited camerawhoring :).

Forgot about you again, little blogspot.

Well, my Spring Break was wonderfully fabulous, check the facebook/tumblr for pictures. Had a blast with some of the most splendacious people in the world. No, that's not a word, but that's how indescribable they are (=. Happy super late birthday to Stacy, Danica, and Emily. You guys were definitely the highlight of my breaaak!

STAR testing is always a chill week in terms of classes. Well, I'm different, I always manage to find a way to make myself explode. Not a good thing.

I am fearing the future again. Time is going by faster. SATs. I still haven't registered.
My topbiggest worry now is not getting into AP Psych next year. Not enough people for 2 sections, too many for one, so she suggesed AP European History. NOT. INTERESTED. I actually want psychology. Especially now, I think I've set my target. And in bio, learning about the brain and all, I realize, yeah, this is the thing I'm interested in. ._.

I'm really gonna run out of time..

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