Tuesday 27 April 2010

and at this very moment,

I feel invincible.
As if, what can't I do?
I wish to preserve this feeling in a special place forever, so whenever I'm feeling weak, I can get it back out.
Too bad, wishes don't come true half the time..

But I love this feeling. I love it. Love it, love it, love this feeling of accomplishment. Please, let it stay for a purpose, let this feeling be convincing, let this feeling be real. Until I really am invincible. Please.

Monday 26 April 2010

about the last blog..

What am I saying?
Just reading it made me feel like a brat. Compared to last year, I should be so much more grateful for this year. Sure, maybe there was more work--but who isn't working hard? Sure, maybe I received more pressure from myself about the future, more stress, more studying etc etc, but I'm not the only one. I'm in no position to complain.
And compared to last year, I think I feel a lot happier and more grateful for everyday I manage to get by..
So idk what I'm thinking when I say it "hasnt been the best" but although it wasnt the best, it was definitely better, and it has been quite okay with those memorable days.
I sound as if I'm complaining, so I hereby apologize to myself.

Thursday 22 April 2010

i wanna be the sunshine to your rainy day

Sophomore year definitely hasn't been the best for me.

But those rare memories, I will remember forever.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

For once, I'm not lying 'boutchu

^This is called a self-taken photoshoot, not conceited camerawhoring :).

Forgot about you again, little blogspot.

Well, my Spring Break was wonderfully fabulous, check the facebook/tumblr for pictures. Had a blast with some of the most splendacious people in the world. No, that's not a word, but that's how indescribable they are (=. Happy super late birthday to Stacy, Danica, and Emily. You guys were definitely the highlight of my breaaak!

STAR testing is always a chill week in terms of classes. Well, I'm different, I always manage to find a way to make myself explode. Not a good thing.

I am fearing the future again. Time is going by faster. SATs. I still haven't registered.
My topbiggest worry now is not getting into AP Psych next year. Not enough people for 2 sections, too many for one, so she suggesed AP European History. NOT. INTERESTED. I actually want psychology. Especially now, I think I've set my target. And in bio, learning about the brain and all, I realize, yeah, this is the thing I'm interested in. ._.

I'm really gonna run out of time..

Monday 5 April 2010

Friday 2 April 2010

To do To-Day

[x] Wake up
[x] Finish reading Act4
[x] Breakfast/Spongebob
[12:25 X] Dramatic Devices
[ ] Continue fighting word problems
[ ] Lunch / Down with Love
[ ] Proofs
[ ] Sister come home / get her books from library / IS THE WEATHER GOOOOD?
[ ] And all the rest; later on at night :
[ ] And if Igive up.. study for finals.