Sunday 1 April 2012

you make me feel like

Wednesday 5 October 2011

ok omg

Just scrolled through all my blogs. You're so pathetic.....
Wow excuse me for my loserness.
I actually took SOME (very few) interesting photos though! Others... I just wanna slap myself, omg. LOOOL.

Long time no seeeeee

seems like everyday i'm between these two moods: poutywhiney, overly happy smiley.
i don't even know what i feel anymore.
  1. I'm starting to attach myself. I don't know if I like it.
  2. I'm sorry I haven't been able to keep up with you (guys) lately... Really, really sorry. If any drifting is really going down, I hate that I probably have to take the blame.
  3. Sometimes I care too much. Why are person-to-person relationships always so uneven; one person always cares more than the other?

Thursday 27 January 2011

what happened.

Is it the New Year? (Am I having an off year again..)

Is it exhaustion?

Is it laziness?

Or am I just being human...?

Well please, I beg of you, Fiona. This is not the time to be human. You must be superhuman. Amaze yourself, amaze others. You have to do this.

Push. Push harder than delivering a baby. You know you have to. For yourself, for pride, for success, for proving others wrong, whatever. Just. You can't lose it now. Not now, not ever.

Sunday 12 December 2010

Is this the feeling of satisfaction?

Feeling of confidence?

Feeling of accomplishment?

Feeling of WOW?

Because it seems so familiar. Like that feeling of invincibility I had not too long ago, but quite long ago. That feeling I failed to feel for a really long time. That feeling I missed, almost forgot.

I love it.

And I hope my feelings do not fail me this time.

Monday 6 December 2010

In need of energy.

I hate Mondays.

I'm always so laazy and unproductive and distracted.

Not good not good.

Sunday 14 November 2010

I've GAWT to stop.

after 4 days of relaxing, it's time i get myself back into schoolmode, into workmode.

no. more. distractions.

so aim, you're outta my life again until thanksgiving.
i was right.
=__= i gotta stay away.