Wednesday 5 October 2011

ok omg

Just scrolled through all my blogs. You're so pathetic.....
Wow excuse me for my loserness.
I actually took SOME (very few) interesting photos though! Others... I just wanna slap myself, omg. LOOOL.

Long time no seeeeee

seems like everyday i'm between these two moods: poutywhiney, overly happy smiley.
i don't even know what i feel anymore.
  1. I'm starting to attach myself. I don't know if I like it.
  2. I'm sorry I haven't been able to keep up with you (guys) lately... Really, really sorry. If any drifting is really going down, I hate that I probably have to take the blame.
  3. Sometimes I care too much. Why are person-to-person relationships always so uneven; one person always cares more than the other?

Thursday 27 January 2011

what happened.

Is it the New Year? (Am I having an off year again..)

Is it exhaustion?

Is it laziness?

Or am I just being human...?

Well please, I beg of you, Fiona. This is not the time to be human. You must be superhuman. Amaze yourself, amaze others. You have to do this.

Push. Push harder than delivering a baby. You know you have to. For yourself, for pride, for success, for proving others wrong, whatever. Just. You can't lose it now. Not now, not ever.